It is the Lord!

There are moments in my life when the Presence I pray to every morning takes on physical dimensions that I can see, touch, smell and feel. ‘It is the Lord.

I was taking a nap yesterday and I was slowly waken up by someone snuggling up to me. It was Jane. ‘Lolo, let us talk. I wanna talk.’ And we talked about her games, her stories. We talked about colors and songs. We talked about what Mommy does for her. I told her stories of Daddy when he was a boy. She told me stories of the fun she enjoys with Kuya, Max and Alli. Precious moments. Unbidden. Spontaneous and natural. Felt like everything in my life before was merely a preparation for this moment. ‘It is the Lord.’

Last Tuesday was our first RCIA session after Easter Sunday. I shared a video of pictures from our retreat and the Easter Vigil celebration. Then, we got to sharing our thoughts on the spiritual journey we have been taking together now for some seven months now. We have all been touched by each others presence. We have shared insights and asked questions of one another. We have prayed and reflected together. Subtly and imperceptibly, we have become a community bound by  common search for answers and a certain presence. ‘It is the Lord.

I love feeling the aches in my bones and muscles after a good exercise or a hearty hike. I know that the aches are from muscles fibers that have ruptured or bones that have been pressured. But as the pain fades away, I can also feel my muscles firmer and my bones stronger. I have slowly learned not to fear or flee from pain and suffering. I do not seek them for their own sake but when they do come, I take them on as opportunities for becoming firmer in my convictions and values and stronger in my faith and character. There is someone molding me as a potter does to clay or someone sculpting a new person in me as a sculptor does to wood. ‘It is the Lord.’

Just after daybreak, Jesus stood on the beach; but the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. Jesus said to them, ‘Children, you have no fish, have you?’ They answered him, ‘No.’ He said to them, ‘Cast the net to the right side of the boat, and you will find some.’ So they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in because there were so many fish. That disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, ‘It is the Lord!
John 21:1-13

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