A New Order Is Born At Christmas Time

At Christmas time, a new world order is born and the old one is passing away.

The human economy is built on scarcity of resources, on limited and limiting needs and wants. The divine economy is built on abundance and fullness as in “of his fullness we have all received”. There will be no more needs and wants as graces and blessings will be ours in abundance and  pressed down, shaken together and running over. In the simplicity of the manger, God brought the whole universe together. In the human economy, there is a lot of waste and garbage. In the divine economy, nothing is ever wasted. Everything carries the seed of something better and new. Even the smallest of things can be the beginning of something great. The child in the manger will change the world like the world has never experienced before. Exclusions, limitations and expiry dates are all part and parcel of the human economy. There will be no exclusions in the divine economy. Everyone is welcome and everything will have a use. The sky will not even be the limit as there will be a new heaven and a new earth. The goods, that is graces and blessings, are good for all eternity – no expiry dates.

As I see all of this coming to pass at Christmas, I pray for a new heart made for abundance not scarcity. I pray for a new spirit built to welcome all and everything and not excluding anyone or rejecting anything. I pray for an upgrade of my memory so that I will remember all the good things that the Lord has done for me.

Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death; and you will be hated by all because of my name. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. Matthew 10:17-22

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