My God Is Here


God is the Lord of the Unexpected.
The Master of the Paradoxical.
The Sovereign of what is Contradictory.
He created Light out of darkness by His simple Word.
He drew Life from inert elements.
He writes straight with crooked lines.
He brings happiness to those who fear Him.
And brings them joys in their times of sorrow.
He makes all things beautiful in His time.

Jesus is the Lord of the Unexpected.
He dined with sinners and tax collectors
who were shunned by polite society.
He is the Master of the Paradoxical.
The Jews scorned the Samaritans.
Yet, he made one the paragon of what a good neighbor is.
The sick, the widows, the poor and the children
lived at the fringes of society during his time on earth.
He sought them out to heal them, to make them whole,
to make them holy in the sight of God, the Father.
He is Sovereign of what is Contradictory.
He promised to make the last first and the first last.
He taught we had to die in order to come into eternal life.

We lead fractured and often paradoxical lives,
given to pain and suffering,
condemned to suffer the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune’.
Many wise men (poets, artists, saints, great leaders, and even some men of science)
have taught us that the answer to all the ache and longing in our hearts
is love and caring, giving and sharing, passion and compassion.
So we fall in love and give ourselves to caring for others
– only to be hurt some more.
Man seeks wisdom and knowledge
– and in his quest for learning becomes even more doubting and at times even cynical. Meanwhile, those of simple and unquestioning minds
see the world with eyes of wonder
where every new experience is an awesome one.

God is with us.
He is here.
And yet we do not see nor hear Him.

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