The greatest fear, and perhaps the most common one, of many people today is FOMO.
“Fear Of Missing Out.”
It used to be men feared wars, hunger, pestilence.
While many were afraid of contracting Covid19, the fear nothing like their fear of FOMO.
In fact, lately more and more have been protesting against the restrictions brought about bb Covid19.
Just take a look at what people are posting in social media.
All those postings about people’s latest travels.
They just have to see that latest dream destination.
You wouldn’t want to miss out on that.
Have you noticed all those posts about food?
People just have to try that fancy restaurant.
You wouldn’t want to be left out when your friends talk about it, do you?
And all those adventures and activities.
People just have to let the world know that they are in on the latest as well.
The fear of being left behind and missing out.
Sometimes, I feel it is not what people really want.
But, yes, it is the fear of missing out.
Fear is not really negative.
The Good Book says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning is wisdom.”
What fear will bring me wisdom and even joy?
How can fear of missing out make me a better person?
May the fear of missing out on being good inspire us to walk that extra mile.
May the fear of missing out on forgiveness encourage us to turn the other cheek.
May the fear of missing out on love prompt us to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked,
console those in tears, to heal the afflicted, to welcome the stranger.