“And I tell you, ask and you will receive;
seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks, receives;
and the one who seeks, finds;
and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
“Be careful what you ask for.” was a sage advice I learned from my late mother-in-law. I sometimes ask for something which I would regret later. Even worse, when I pray or ask God for something, there are times I feel like I am telling God what to do. The truth is things do not work out that way.
Often people would ask for physical comforts or material blessings. This world would be a lot better place if we asked where we can help and serve others.
We would often seek worldly success or even fleeting happiness. Our seeking would be more fruitful if we sought where and how we can help alleviate pain and suffering.
We knock on doors hoping to enter the door of success or fame. Our knocking would please God better if we would knock on doors that have never been visited or neglected.
We ask and pray for blessing like God owe them to us. Isn’t life blessing enough? And because we are alive, isn’t that all we need. Yes, because I am alive, I have everything I need. Is it wrong to ask for pain and suffering? Does it not make sense to pray for the cross? I ask instead for strength, courage, and character to be able to survive my pain and suffering or to help others in theirs.