Willing And Obedient


I am always scandalized the naked selfishness and unbridled greed
there is in the business world as typified by Wall Street.
A corporation makes billions of dollars in profits
but its stock would tank if their profits were below the expectations of analysts.
Should there be the slightest sign of uncertainty, doubt or fear in the market,
there would be a flurry of sell-outs and stock prices would head south.
People like to imagine they are in control.
And when things are not to their expectations, there is no compunction
to manipulate things, people and events to meet expectations.
And all these movements affect the perceived wealth of the 1%;
but they also adversely affect the well-being of millions of people.

In contrast, as a believer in Christ, I live with mystery.
While I strive to be responsible, I know I am not in control.
God is. Always was. Always will be.
I see myself as a tiny seed.
I will grow into a tree and will give shade and fruits to people.
But how and why and when I grow, I cannot control.
I simply allow the mystery of nature to work her wonders on me.
I am like the yeast leavening the dough, causing it to rise.
I am an agent of change – for the better.
How, when, and why that happens is entirely God’s doing.
It is enough for me to be there – willing and obedient –
to change what I can like the yeast.

It would seem like a foolish faith
but there are times I realize it is the right thing to do
in the face of the absurdity and even aridity I see in this world.

LK 13:18-21

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