Following the Shepherd

Birthday Prayer  2015-03

Jesus said:
“My sheep hear my voice;
I know them, and they follow me.
I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish.
No one can take them out of my hand.”
~ John 10:27-28

Had I been the only one to write my life story, it would have been pretty boring and straight-forward. I would probably be still living in Angeles where I was born and grew up. And I would, by now, a retired teacher. there would be a lot less people in my life, specially special friends. There would have been less twists and turns and, as a consequence, there would have been significantly less heart breaks and also a lot less joyful moments in my life.

I am glad I did not write the script for my life. I have always had the feeling that I was being led all through-out. Yes, by a Shepherd. And yes, I have been a teacher most of my life. And yes, I am today a retired teacher. Among many other things. I have also been a HR trainor, a marketing person, a healthcare executive, a management consultant, a mentor, a facilitator and a host of many other roles I could not have imagined in my youth. I have been to places many of which I only read in books as I was growing up and others I never imagined I would visit in my life. I have done many things beyond what I thought even possible.

Life has not been easy. There were many challenges and obstacles I had to confront and overcome. But the rewards have been great and beyond my expectations. Yes, there were days I worried about what I would eat on the morrow or if I would even eat at all; but I also experienced what it was to lie down in green pastures. There were stormy days and night when I could not sleep a wink; but I also knew what it was to be led beside the quiet waters. Always, I had the assurance that there was Someone looking out for me and taking the best care I could not even imagine for myself.

Goodness and loving kindness has been with me every step of the way, even when the way was not clear.

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