No Cross, No Resurrection.

God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son,
so that everyone who believes in him might not perish
but might have eternal life.
~ John 3:16-21

There is so much anger  and hatred in the world today. One only needs to look at the news to realize this. There are still many good people and many good things happening but these all get buried under the avalanche of bad news. It does not help any that it is election season in both the US and the Philippines. There is more vitriol and poison, more lies and falsehoods, in the atmosphere.

There is also a lot of pain and suffering. Most of it caused by all the anger and hatred in the air. Most of it is unnecessary and avoidable. There are more tears shed that need not be shed. Instead, we can turn those into laughter. There are more heartaches that can be healed. Yet, we often chose to just let them be, expecting they would eventually die down or pass away. Man is indeed in need of redemption and salvation from the sorry state he often finds himself in or deliver himself into.

Our God is a God of Love. And we know that love is the answer; that in love we will find the path to eternal life. And yet, to love is as difficult as to bear one’s cross. Maybe this is the meaning of Easter. The answer to all the ills in the world is love. But to love is to suffer on the cross. And without the cross, there is no Resurrection.

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