When I was a child, it was “Go! Grow! Glow!” It was a time to nurture and develop my physical capabilities, my mental faculties, my social skills and my spiritual roots. Then came the period of preparation and I acquired the life skills to carry me through life. “Watch and Learn” as I went through school to prepare myself for what I would be doing for the rest of my life. Then, it was “Fast and Furious” as I dashed and went about pursuing career, earning a living, building a reputation and raising a family.
Now, it is “Time to Go.” I am no longer growing and developing as I did when I was a child. In fact, my cells are dying out one by one. I am no longer preparing as I did when I was a student. I may be preparing for my final departure and it is now “Watch and Pray.” My life and schedules are no longer as hectic as they were when I was an adult as work. But I feel there are still some things left for doing.
Through it all, I have always been keenly aware that life is a gift, a very precious gift. And aware of this gift, I have also been keenly aware of the source and the giver of this gift. Why am I here? The simple and easy answer is, “because of Ima and Tatang.” But I also know they were just instruments of the real source and giver of my life. He, who makes the sun to shine and the rains to fall to nourish the earth, also fashioned me in my mother’s womb for a purpose. All my life I have prayed, searched and tried to do His will.