Peace on Earth

The kidnapping of about two hundred young innocent girl in Nigeria reflects the lack of peace in the world today. There is unending strife in the Middle East. There are simmering tensions in the Southeast Asia. Everywhere, millions are worried and anxious where to sleep for the night for they are homeless or how to get their next meal for they are hungry. Almost everyone is afraid and uneasy about random violence or worse targeted acts of terror happening to them. The world needs and longs for peace. And yet, there is no peace.

There is no peace because people would not forgive but keep on harboring deep-seated anger and hatred. There is no peace because of lust that makes people do violence on others for their personal pleasure and gratification. There is no peace because of greed that drives people to hoard for themselves more than what they need of the earth’s riches and in the process denying these to others who need them. There is no peace because of pride and arrogance that make people think they are better than others and would treat people as their inferiors.

True peace comes from the cross, from where Christ gave love and forgiveness even in His utter emptiness. True peace comes from the giving of one’s life for others and not from taking it from others. Anabelle and I watched the movie “Million Dollar Arm” last night. As we were watching, I was thinking: Life is not about making money or making a career but about making other people happy and making love. And so is peace. Life is not about having material possessions and amassing them but about having friends and having fun with friends. And so is peace.

Your friends make known, O Lord, the glorious splendor of your kingdom.

Jesus said to his disciples:
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.
Not as the world gives do I give it to you.
Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.
John 14:27-31

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