How Can I Not Believe

ImageA young maiden leaves the safety of her father’s protection
And pledges herself to the young lad of her dreams
The two become as one to cherish and to hold.
They embark on a lifelong journey of love and trust.
I believe in love and in the God who taught us how to.

A field blooms in a wild profusion of colors.
Fragile and fleeting, the flower explode in gay abundance.
Here today and gone tomorrow, but in the brief moment of their existence
These blooms have added permanence to beauty in the world.
I believe in beauty, fleeting in its manifestation but lasting in its intimation.

A young couple nurses their young with love and care.
They would give anything they have to give their young one life.
They would sacrifice anything for each others welfare.
It is in this family that the young one learns about goodness.
I believe in goodness and the families that God blesses for us to learn it.

Man needs bread and a roof on his head.
Man needs to build a house for shelter and protection.
And woman makes it a home where she weaves their clothes.
Then together, they will rebuild the world of their own.
I believe in creativity, man’s sharing in the Creator’s activity.

The land erupted and the waters came down.
The mountains were formed and the lakes and the seas.
Nature brought forth all the plants and the trees
And the many elements for man to fashion for his use.
I believe in the great abundance of nature, God’s magnanimous gift to men.

There are days I feel like a solitary tree surveying all around me.
Sometimes I feel like singing in a choir of colorful flowers.
And at times, I feeling soaring the skies like an eagle.
I can travel through time and space with my imagination’s powers.
This may all be serendipity but I believe in God who made all this for me.

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, his love is everlasting.

Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands,
and bring your hand and put it into my side,
and do not be unbelieving, but believe.”
Thomas answered and said to him, “My Lord and my God!”
Jesus said to him, “Have you come to believe because you have seen me?
Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.”
John 20:26-31

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