Yet Again, It Is The Lord

I grew up in a small town beside the biggest American military base outside of the US, living in the shadows of jet planes, enjoying applesand imported fruits, chocolate bars and comic books from Clark Air Base. I sometimes fancied what it would be like living in the land where all these things came from. One day, a missionary priest came to our school and asked who among us wanted to enter the seminary. I raised my hand and things just started happening. One thing led to another and my journey finally led me to live in the land where all the jet planes and the chocolates bars and the fruits and comic books come from. I am actually now living in the US. Someone led me here. It is the Lord.

As a little boy I had a recurring dream of a girl with long hair, sparkling eyes and winsome smile. I somehow knew I would eventually meet her. In High School, I was assigned for our oratorical contest the poem “Anabelle Lee”. And years later, I was brought to Xavier School to teach. Cora, my boss then, brought me to meet a girl with long hair, sparkling eyes and winsome smile. Her name was Anabelle. I do not wonder anymore who brought me to Xavier. It is the Lord.

My father was a teacher and he was considered a hero and idolized in their family. Several of his nieces went on to be teachers like him. I imagined myself becoming a teacher like him too. Yes, in our small town. I did indeed start out as a teacher in Xavier with Anabelle. But that was just the beginning. I also became a salesman, a product manager, a marketing director, an HR practitioner, a top level executive, a business school professor, a management consultant. I worked in places I though I would only see in photos. I have collaborated with people I thought I would only read about in the news. I sat in meetings and conferences I thought I would only see in movies. Every step of the way, I felt a gentle guiding hand prodding me onward and shielding me from harm. I moved when it was time to move. I stayed when it was time to stay. I know who this abiding Presence in my life is. It is the Lord.

Now in my twilight years, I do not see the dimming of the light. I know the best years are yet to be. The pace is now more sedate and the days less hectic. I get rattled ever so easily but there is enough to give me peace and composure as well. Jane keeps me alert with all her unexpected and funny antics. Jonathan keeps me in wonder as I watch him transforming into a fine young man right before my eyes. It warms the cockles of my heart when Kathleen puts in extra goodies into the grocery cart because “Papa loves these”. Or when Martin get me things through the Internet. Or when Mickey would say “Let’s see the Warriors game tonight,” at times even at the Oracle. Or when Macky and Lani just pop up on Facetime. I do not feel like being led to pasture at all. It is more like cocooning to emerge a new butterfly. All these. All good. All because. It is the Lord.

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his mercy endures forever.

Jesus said to them, “Come, have breakfast.”
And none of the disciples dared to ask him, “Who are you?”
because they realized it was the Lord.
Jesus came over and took the bread and gave it to them,
and in like manner the fish.
This was now the third time Jesus was revealed to his disciples
after being raised from the dead.
John 21:1-14

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