The Gift of Who I Am

“Who are you?” “Where are you going?” “Why are you here?” “What are you about?” These are the questions that I have been struggling with all my life. I have grown, matured and changed through the years. And yet, I have remained the same. In fact, the more I changed; the more I became me. I was born as a bundle of potentials and possibilities; and my life has been about the unfolding and realization of those possibilities.

People and events have made the unfolding possible. There are people who have been great instruments in my unfolding and becoming. There are those who have been hindrances and obstacles. Try as they might to deter me, I still have become. Try as I might to be somebody I am not, I keep coming back to who I really am. I have taken many detours and have gone off track often. But in the end, what and who I am eventually comes through. I love what I have been and become. And all of this has been gift.

I am the voice of one crying for fulfillment and completion. I long for being finally and fully united with my Source. I will seek the straight and narrow path of light leading to that Infinite Light and Goodness.

Then they said to him, ‘Who are you? Let us have an answer for those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?’ He said, ‘I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, “Make straight the way of the Lord” ’, as the prophet Isaiah said. John 1:19-23

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2 Responses to The Gift of Who I Am

  1. LEO SAN AGUSTIN says:

    That’s life full of surprises, sufferings, joy and what not?

    • If life were at all that certain and predictable, there would be no need for faith and hope and love. It is precisely because life is so full of surprises and sufferings that we can believe, that we have hope and that we can love.

      Thanks for your comment, Leo.

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