Being a Neighbor: Go and Do Likewise

There is a lot not right in the world today. There is too much hunger and suffering. There is too much violence and injustice. There is too much greed and selfishness. There is not enough forgiveness and forbearance to forget past offenses for people and nations to move forward and live in peace. There is not enough sharing and caring so no one dies hungry or destitute. Crass materialism corrupts the bodies of people while their spirits are dying from neglect.

And yet there is a lot of good things happening in the world today. There are people striving for high ideals, trying to change themselves and the world for the better. There is a lot of loving and sharing and building the future in young families raising their children in love, joy and hope for a bright and better tomorrow. There are selfless people dedicating their lives to and putting themselves at the service of others. There are hands reaching out in love and care to others in needs; there are feet walking to where the need is the greatest to help relieve the pain and the suffering; there are hearts beating in compassion for others who are in tears.

And because the world has never been as interconnected as it has ever been than today, people get to know of these things on real time. Each in his own way, people are able to do something. The world knows about what world leaders do or say. Many have been greatly impressed and inspired by Pope Francis. And they get to hear or read even about ‘small people’.  Millions are in deep admiration for Malala, praising her for her courage and strength. Many are saddened whenever and wherever disaster strikes. And many respond generously to reach out and help. Indeed, the world has become one global village and everyone is my neighbor. I will reflect on this and pray that I am able to “Go and do likewise.”

Which of these three, do you think, was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?’ He said, ‘The one who showed him mercy.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Go and do likewise.
Luke 10:25-37

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