Living is About Giving

There is a lot self-centered and selfish individualism in the world today. Many people have been influenced by the writings and philosophy of Ayn Rand who extolled rational and ethical egoism and belittled altruism. This kind of thinking eventually results in a Win-Lose or even a Win attitude with no concern for the other. This attitude always asks “What’s in it for me and how do I get it – for me?” Ayn Rand may have been influenced by Sartre who classified everything that is into en soi (an inanimate object that just exists in/by itself) and pour soi (a conscious being that exists for itself). There is no room for the other in such a philosophy. In fact, Sartre once famously wrote: “Hell is other people.”

One danger I have to watch against in my daily prayer is the tendency to become self-preoccupied or even too self-centered. There is the constant danger that my prayers are about my pains, my sorrows, my joys, my happiness. I cannot just stop at myself in my prayers. Whatever I gain in prayer, be it peace, courage, insight, or inspiration must be harnessed for and in the love and service of others. For it is not in the order of things in the universe to exist just in and for one’s self.

The sun gives off its tremendous energy to give life, light and heat to its surroundings, specially to life on earth as we know it. Trees give off oxygen to support life for conscious beings like us. And we breathe out carbon dioxide to sustain the trees that keep us alive. A man and a woman each give a part of themselves to create another and new life. Parenting is about giving. Living with others in this world is about giving. Christ left us with just one commandment, the commandment of Love which is the commandment of Giving.

I pray that my quest for peace and courage in life be but the means for me to be a more loving and a more giving person, in the service of others.

‘I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage; I have conquered the world!’
John 16:29-33

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2 Responses to Living is About Giving

  1. saunsea says:

    I had about a two-second phase of being into Ayn Rand’s philosophy. But what confounds my thinking is how the belief that if each individual simply seeks their own accumulation of wealth, there simply isn’t enough to go around, mathematically speaking. Financially, and with resources, if 5% accumulates 50% of the “pie,” obtaining their welath based on Rand’s everything for self philosophy, that leaves a huge chunk of humanity without even the capacity to obtain the bare essentials for life. The spirit of generosity is what brings about the end of poverty, as Paul talks about in a later chapter of 2 Corinthians.

  2. Thank you for your insightful comment, saunsea. Indeed, the philosophy of enlightened self-interest leads to an attitude that is very dangerous but often masquerades as something good and even virtuous. But I believe that there is hope for the world to change and I heartily agree with your five solutions. They are so counter-cultural to the prevailing zeitgeist.

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