
In two more days, we shall be celebrating Mothers’ Day. From Day 1 (of conception, not birth), there has always been a special and strong bond between mother and child: undying gratitude of the child for the gift of life from the mother, unparallelled joy of the mother for having brought a human being into the world. Because of this, we call everyone and everything that is a source of life ‘Mother’. Our mother in Faith is Mother Mary. The planet we live in is Mother Earth. The community that nurtures us in our New Life is our Holy Mother the Church.

It is in the bosom of Ima that I learned what undying and unconditional love is: she kept awake when I was sick; she gave up her personal joys to give way to mine; she shared in my joys and successes like no other person did. I am amazed by Anabelle on how beautifully she has raised our three sons. I was away often but she was always there for them. We both were working but she was always present during the times the three boys needed mothering and even fathering. I love to watch mothers as they walk with their children through their innocence and childhood, through their turbulent teen years, and even through their independent and sometimes troubles young adulthood, with a love that is truly unconditional and undying. The love never diminishes but simply keeps on getting stronger and perpetually giving with the passage of the years.

I am particularly amazed by the mothers of this generation – raising and preparing their children for an emerging world which they themselves barely understand and have only an inkling of what it is going to be. Imagine growing up still with rotary or touch tone dial telephones and then parenting young ones in a world of smart phones. Or, growing up watching TV shows or videos on colored or even black and white television sets and then parenting kids as they watch their favorite programs or videos on HD or even 3D TVs. Or, growing up playing games with physical toys out there in the yard or inside the house and then parenting children totally engrossed online playing in virtual worlds.

Sometimes, I envy Anabelle for the special bond and attachment she has with our sons. But then I remember my own special affection for Ima. And then I imagine Tatang with that trademark smile of his on his face, happily satisfied and nursing the thought that he has done well in choosing such as amazing woman to be the mother of his children.

I pray and thank God for all the mothers in the world. It is a happier place and more homey because of them.

Jesus said, ‘Very truly, I tell you, you will weep and mourn, but the world will rejoice; you will have pain, but your pain will turn into joy. When a woman is in labor, she has pain, because her hour has come. But when her child is born, she no longer remembers the anguish because of the joy of having brought a human being into the world.
John 16:20-23

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