Love Comes from Our Uniqueness and Differences

One of the strengths and important technology of modern corporations is their capacity for mass production. Imagine Apple churning out millions of i Phones from factories all over the world or Toyota rolling out millions of cars out of its assembly lines. Each phone and each car is exactly the same as the others, except perhaps for the color and sometimes the shape and the size. Any phone or car that is different from the rest is usually rejected as defective or not up to standards.

It is not so with people. We may look the same, have the same color, shape and size. But no two human beings are ever alike. Each one of us has his own unique, one-of-a-kind story. And no story is ever so simple. Each one takes a life time to tell and each one is worth listening to. It is this uniqueness that enables me to love. If who I am is unique, therefore it is precious and valuable. It is worth sharing and giving to another person. If we were all the same, then there is nothing of worth that I can give another that he does not already have. It is our differences that makes the giving worthwhile and love possible.

And yet deep within all of us, there is the common thread of humanity that binds us all. It is this humanity that God shared with us when he became a man in Jesus. Each man is unique and each one of us has his own story to tell. Yet, there are experiences and patterns we all share together. There is pain and suffering; and Jesus has shown us the way how to handle these. They are for our growth and perfection. There is joy and happiness; and Jesus has shown us the truth that the best is yet to come and he can make our joy and happiness complete. These are but a foretaste of what he has in store for us. We all eventually die; and Jesus has said that those who believe in him will never die but will enjoy life everlasting.

Life is beautiful. There are wonderful stories to be told. I will share this beauty and my stories with others.

This is the disciple who is testifying to these things and has written them, and we know that his testimony is true. But there are also many other things that Jesus did; if every one of them were written down, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.
John 21:20-25

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