Peace and Love


I love having spent my teens during the 60’s, the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. The children then of the Flower Generation, among whom I counted myself, preached Peace and Love. The epicenter of the Hippie movement was San Francisco. One of the popular songs then advised: “If you’re going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair.” How amazing it is that in my later years, I would be living in the this area.

Most of the anxieties and lack of peace that people experience are caused by too much preoccupation with money. Hunger and poverty, which money could ostensibly solve, can be easily wiped out by money, of which we have more than enough. But greed and selfishness keeps that money locked away in banks and private safes. Like, how can one person amass more money than what the poorest countries can make in one year. Yet, money is truly an illusion. Watch, for example, money locked in say mutual funds. On a good day at the markets, you can see its value rising. On a bad day, you watch its value falling. And during a financial meltdown, you can see the value of your money get wiped out.

Love is more real than money. Jane’s love for me will be a source of great joy and consolation in my last moments here on earth. My love for her will be her strength and comfort as she grows up into the wonderful lady she is destined to be. Anabelle’s love for her students will be with them as they remember the excitement of this weekend as they receive their First Communion. For some of them, this will be truly a momentous event. Knowing I am loved and that I have loved truly and deeply brings me peace that no amount of money can buy.

The Hippies of my Generation were on to something real. It is this: Peace, Man! Make Love not war.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.”
John 14:23-29

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2 Responses to Peace and Love

  1. Sig says:

    This i can realate Vernie….and may i add, Peace slogan and signs became fashionable becaquse of War, but money is always a source of conflict regardless of Generation,, To Sir and M’am with love to both of you Vernie!….PEACE Man!

    • Yes, Sig, we both have seen when the moon wass in the seventh house and Jupiter aligned with Mars; when peace did guide the planets and love did stir the stars!

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