The Attitude of Gratitude – Day 5

Continuing my Novena of Gratitude – Fifth Day.

I am thankful for every sign and manifestation of new life. A rose bud blooming into a fresh flower always brings me a smile. It means to me that life will never be denied. Life will always find a way to express itself. And I am thankful then that “God’s in his Heaven, All’s right with the world!” I do not need “the sun to be darkened, and the moon not to give its light, and the stars to be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens to be shaken” to realize that God is in control. Thank you Lord for your continuing work of creation.

There is nothing fresher, nor more innocent, than a newborn baby. Everyday, God delivers a piece of heaven all over the earth through the babies that come to life. Their breathe is a whiff of what it must smell like in heavenly court. Their bright innocent eyes seem to be still lost in wond’ring contemplation of God’s awesome majesty. Their babbling and cooing seems to be the continuation of the heavenly conversations they were having just before they left for earth. And when they break into giggles or even laughter, it sounds that they are part of the heavenly chorus signing praises to God.

For every flower that blooms, thank you. God is in control.
For every baby that is born, thank you. God keeps sending us messengers from heaven.
Fo every baby we are blessed to meet, thank you. God loves me that he sends them my way regularly.
For the innocence, freshness and hope that new life brings into the world, thank you. God constantly speaks to us if we would but stop and listen to notice.

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