At Break Of Dawn


I am an early riser and I love the break of every new day.
I have made it a habit to spend my first waking moments being alone.
I may be physically alone; but I can always choose not to be lonely.
Being alone is a good occasion to realize
that it is often in silence and solitude
that we truly encounter God.
This is what praying is for me.

There are times that I am in the depths or in the dumps feeling low
and I just get down on my knees and cry out for help and consolation.
There are moments that I feel empty and worthless
and I realize I am being prepared to receive more blessings.
There are some silent moments when I am overwhelmed
with gratitude for all the graces that have come my way,
many of which are undeserved and unexpected.
Being alone with God, I often realize more deeply
what a wonderful world indeed that we live in
and my prayer becomes an experience of what is awesome and wonderful.
Even as I pray, I feel no loneliness,
for I then realize that  in being alone with God I find my communion
with the people in my life
– my loved ones, whom I commend to God’s care,
– my friends, on whom I ask God to pour his blessings,
– people I encounter during the day, for whom I ask God I may be kind and gentle,
– even strangers and people different from, that God may give me the grace to open and welcoming.

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