Standing Up To Go Home

He said to the paralytic – “I say to you, stand up, take your mat and go to your home.” Mark 2:11

During my recent cardiac operation, I was beset by fears and anxieties post-surgery. I felt alone and struggling. The pain made matters worse with me hankering for care and attention, which were provided to me by my loved ones and the medical team. But I was utterly frustrated when the care and attention I got was not what I expected. I felt paralyzed by my fears, by my anxieties, by my frustrations, and by my lack of energy.

At my age, I often notice that small things often cause me great disappointment and even frustrations. Like, something I need that I cannot find. Or, an expected event that is cancelled at the last minute. Or, a an anticipated visit that does not happen. There was a time I could handle more stress and grapple with all sorts of fears and worries. But this is a different time and there seems to be more cause and sources for irritants.

I know I will be going home. And it is so far a leisurely walk. I imagine Jesus saying to me, “Stand up, get ready, we are going home.” I find these words comforting from one who at the end of His life had to endure unthinkable suffering. Yet, He persevered. May I keep my faith and trust in Him in my final walk home.

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