To be alive, to be here, now, is the greatest gift of all. Life is so full of joyful and thrilling moments that we would never want it to end. And when the inevitable sad and difficult moments come, people still intuitively know, feel, yearn and hope that there will always be comfort after the affliction, laughter after the tears, joys after the sorrow, and yes life will go on forever.
Yet, for all the beauty and the blessings of life, it can also be tenuous and fleeting. Life is all too soon gone. It could be snuffed out so easily by an illness, by an accident, by another, and, in the end, by age. And people wonder if there is anything at all after death.
What if all our hopes for eternal life and everlasting happiness were but vain and baseless desires and aspirations? What if there is nothing at all after we finally close our eyes? What if we are but a fleeting presence in an otherwise magnificent universe? But then again, how can such a magnificent universe be in existence if only for a fleeting moment of life? How can such strong hopes and inspirations be planted in our hearts without them being realized? How can all the goodness and love that people are capable of be entirely gone when they die? How can the stirrings in the human heart be but the beating of muscles had they not been placed there by the Creator Himself?
I place my hopes in the promises and revelations of the Lord.