My Life Is a Miracle

The odds of winning the lotto is one in millions. It is such a long shot it would take a miracle to win it. The smart advice is not to waste money betting on it. I am one in a million possibilities. One other seed of the millions from my father, I could have been a girl. Another seed, and I would still be the child of my father but an entirely different person. I was a long shot but somebody called out my number. It took a miracle to make me happen.

Such a simple fact and yet too profound to understand; or it is enough to confound others. It may be too profound to understand but I can believe that someone who has the capacity for greater wisdom and understanding picked out my number, called me into existence and gave me a name. Or, I can just simply say there is no other explanation why I am here except that I won in the great lottery of life. Some random number generator called out my number and that is why I am here.

And so for someone who believes, no proof that there is a God who orders our lives is necessary. I encounter him everyday, every moment. In random events. In serendipitous moments. When things just come together. Even when things don’t go the way I want them to.And sometime or somewhere in my life, he has revealed himself to me and I have encountered him in various ways, different times and in many places and persons.

But for some who would not believe, no explanation is possible except the randomness of everything. The Heisenberg Principle of Uncertainty. In the vastness of the universe and its almost infinite expanse in time and space, anything is possible. And one does not have to beautify things with such notions as love, giving, sharing or caring.

During the time of Jesus, it was the crowds (read ‘poor and unlettered’) who came to hear and believe in him. The leaders, the educated and the learned were doubtful of him, dismissing him as being too good to be true. If Christ were to come today, where would I be standing?

Nicodemus, who had gone to Jesus before, and who was one of them, asked, ‘Our law does not judge people without first giving them a hearing to find out what they are doing, does it?’ They replied, ‘Surely you are not also from Galilee, are you? Search and you will see that no prophet is to arise from Galilee.’
John 7:40-52

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2 Responses to My Life Is a Miracle

  1. romy punzalan says:

    good job, Vernie. I’m always looking forward to your Sunday reflection..

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