Life is the greatest blessing. It is a precious gift, undeserved and generously given. Even when things get rough and tough times come, it is still better to be alive rather than non-existent. Everything therefore that gives life is a blessing. When I choose life, when I treasure it and make it grow, when I share it and nurture it in others, I give out blessings. People who make our lives richer and happier are a blessing. Events that make us whole and make us better are blessings
Events that destroy life are a curse. People who would choose death over life are a curse. When we do not live our life with the love that was planted in our hearts, we become a curse to others. When we cause misery and pain to others, we become a curse to them. It seems unthinkable but it is real that there are people who would choose to give curses instead of blessings.
Yet, there is a deep paradox here. 9/11 was definitely a curse. The men who hijacked those planes must have been cursing the world and their enemies as they flew them into the twin towers of the World Trade Center. Yet, in the midst of the devastation and the resulting misery, there were a lot of blessings. The firefighters who risked life and limb to save and rescue others were a blessing. The doctors, nurses and ordinary people who risked harm’s way just to help and save the injured were all a blessing. The outpouring of caring and concern were all moments of blessing.
This is the paradox of the cross. The cross was the supreme curse, reserved only for the worst and most hardened criminals. Yet, by Christ’s will and obedience, it was transformed into an even greater blessing. It has become the tool and the key to life everlasting. This great blessing is difficult to comprehend. My mind boggles trying to embrace it. Yet, in my heart, I long for a life that is free of curses. I hope, pray and believe that my poverty and emptiness will someday be filled; that my hunger and thirst will one day be satisfied; that my tears and sorrow will one day turn to joy and laughter; that my longing to be complete and be one with my Source will one day come to pass.
Jesus looked up at his disciples and said:‘Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.‘Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you will be filled.‘Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.‘Blessed are you when people hate you, and when they exclude you, revile you, and defame you on account of the Son of Man. Rejoice on that day and leap for joy, for surely your reward is great in heaven.’
Luke 6:20-26