Fullness of Life Comes From an Emptying of Self

I have often wished I were a wealthy man.
Then I could be generous and do all the great things I dream of.
I have been blessed with sufficiency of material possessions
To live a comfortable and relatively easy life.
I have tried to be generous and have accomplished some great things.
But there is always a fear I would run out of things to give or things to do.
The fear and threat of emptiness always entered my mind.
Slowly I am realizing that it is only in real emptiness that
I find and discover the true richness and fulness of my life.

I have often fancied myself to be unique and special.
That people would come and be charmed by my company.
I enjoy being with people for the pleasure it gives me.
But I would still often end up alone with myself.
I have been learning that only when I empty myself of me
That I am truly ready to give myself to others.
I cannot go out to others, full of myself.
I can only truly love them if I create an empty space in me
For the others to feel welcome in.
It is only when I am empty of myself that I can welcome others in.
It is in my neediness that I find the richness
In loving and serving others.

Jesus said to him, “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell your possessions, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.” When the young man heard this word, he went away grieving, for he had many possessions.
Matthew 19:16-22

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