Bless Life! Bless The Children!

“Whoever receives this child in my name receives me,
and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me.
For the one who is least among all of you
is the one who is the greatest.”
~ Luke 9:48

I have always loved little children. I love their trusting nature and their openness, not given to hatred or being judgmental; and yet they instinctively seem to know who or what is harmful to them. I love their integrity in calling out things exactly how they see them and in speaking out the truth without fear or favor. I love the sweetness and freshness about them from their breath to their complexion. I love how I can carry them with one hand and yet they can fill my heart full to bursting.

In recent days, I have come to re-learn all these lessons again through several babies i have met. There is nothing like cuddling a baby to melt away the grime and callousness from a heart gone cold and hardened by the problems of life.

“Lord, take you for new life that you sent us through the innocence and beauty of a child.”

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