Giving And Generosity

1-Love 8a

When I ‘give away’ what I have, my treasure;
I may feel diminished because I lose what I give away.
When I share and ‘give away’ my talents, what I can do;
I do not lose them but instead multiply them
and these talents are even enhanced.
And when I have nothing to give or am empty-handed;
I can still share and ‘give away’ something of myself,
like finding the time to do good,
or finding the time to be with a friend,
or finding the time to serve others,
or finding the time to enjoy and just be with the family.
Indeed, there are many instances when it is easier to give away talents and treasure
than to find the time to give of myself.
In the end, it is only what I have in my heart that I can truly and generously give away.

I believe I have been a generous person
(although I am sure that there would be some who would think otherwise).
I have given out of my blessings and fullness.
I have also believed that one cannot give what one does not have.
The times I have found myself not giving nor generous
are the times I was afraid I would run out of things for myself.
And yet the real challenge to giving and being generous
is to be able to give when there is no more to give.
Christ praised the widow’s mite over the Pharisee’s largesse.
Christ showed us what real and ultimate giving is:
stripped of everything he had
(his fame, his name, his human dignity and even his last shreds of clothing),
he was still able to give fully even in his utter emptiness and nothingness.
Can I be generous even when I am nothing and empty?

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