Bringing In The Harvest

He said to them,
“The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few;
so ask the master of the harvest
to send out laborers for his harvest.”
~ Luke 10:2

There has never been more wealth and affluence in the world than today. And yet, there is still so much poverty. More than one billions people live on less than a dollar a day. And what is even more tragic is that beside the physical poverty there is also a lot of poverty in the values and principles of people. Gold and money are treasured more than golden hearts and precious hands than give and serve. And the irony of it all is that it is often those who have less in life and the ones even more willing to share and to serve.

There has never been more food and variety than we have today. And yet, there has never been more hunger in the hearts and soul of men. Billions still go to bed each night – if they even have a bed – on an empty stomach. And beyond the hunger in the stomach, people hunger for things of the spirit. They hunger for hope, peace and love. Those living in comfort have lapsed into the sofalarity of indifference and it is those who hunger who lead the drive to change the world for the better.

It is into these fields of harvests that we are being sent out by the Lord. Life on earth will never be totally free of poverty and of hunger. But if we but listen and live by God’s Word, there will be a lot less people to worry about and a lot more people who will care and share.

Lord, open our hearts and hands that we may help you in bringing in the harvest to fight poverty and hunger.

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