Proclaiming the Gospel

Jesus appeared to the Eleven and said to them:
“Go into the whole world
and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.”

They went forth and preached everywhere,
while the Lord worked with them
and confirmed the word through accompanying signs.
~ Mark 16:15,20

There is this quote from Albert Einstein that has been playing in my head the past few days, “The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”

There is darkness and chaos in the universe. But there is also abundant and overflowing beauty in almost everything I see – from the biggest galaxies to the tiniest living thing. I believe the world, our world, was meant to be beautiful in spite of some glitches we may experience.

There is evil and destruction happening all the time, from exploding stars to decaying carrion. There are evil men and there are bad situations. But still in all, life refuses to be denied. It springs forth in the most unexpected places. There is goodness even in the destruction and new life always emerges from the rot.

There are lies and deception in the world, among individuals and among nations. People would fabricate falsehoods just to attain what they want and desire. And yet, truth is stronger than all the lies, like life is stronger than all the desolation and beauty overcomes all ugliness. Through it all, man knows deep in his heart all these truths.

And God joined man in his humanity to teach us that love is what will make all things beautiful. Love will eventually life victorious over death and destruction. And love will reveal to us all the truths that govern time and space.

In acknowledging beauty, goodness and truth and in responding to the power of love to transform everything, I proclaim the Gospel, the Good News of our existence.

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