Small Thoughts On A Monday Morning

Man is always awed by what is big and grand: the vastness of the universe, the lavish abundance of nature, massive structures, epic stories. Thus, man often aspires to be big and bigger. But there is power in what is small too. There is lot in human wisdom that tells us so. Like, for want of a nail . . . . a kingdom was lost. Or, sow a thought . . . . reap a destiny. Or, a ripple of kindness creates a tsunami of love. Or, the fluttering of a butterfly’s wings triggers a storm.

Thus, when faced with the mysteries of life, I often come face to face with the realization that things are often what they seem to be and that the most obvious answer is often the wrong answer to my deepest questions. All the great teachers have taught us that to attain the fullness of life one must first be empty, that to win big one must first lose big, that to be first one must be the last, that to lead and be a master one must serve and be a slave. Life is so beautiful and has a lot to offer. But it is not all about the getting and the taking of these earthy pleasures and joys but it is about giving and sharing these with others.

Lord, may I glorify you before the universe in the small things that I will be doing today.

‘Have you not read this scripture: “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; this was the Lord’s doing, and it is amazing in our eyes”?’
Mark 12:1-12

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