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Yesterday in one of my readings, I came upon this story from the book Francis, Pope of a New World by Andrea Tornielli: “On Wednesday, February 27 (2013), at eight in the morning, by the baggage carousels at International Arrivals … Continue reading

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It is wonderful world and life is beautiful. But there is also a lot to make one sad. Like, billions of people live on but a dollar a day while a few have billions and still want more. There is … Continue reading

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I have great admiration for people who can give generously and do so very spontaneously with expecting any rewards nor counting the cost. I hate myself most when I hold back in being a giving and generous person and first … Continue reading

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It is now generally accepted that everything that there is in the universe started with one point of light exploding mightily in a big bang. And in that one cataclysmic moment, the entire universe came to be. Maybe Someone said, … Continue reading

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When one is having fun, one is likely to forget a lot of things, and even people. I was having a lot of fun some weeks ago and some of the things I forgot to do were my regular exercise … Continue reading

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This is the Oratory/Chapel of the new Xavier School Campus in Nuvali in the gathering dusk. Today is the feast day of St. Francis Xavier. In many mysterious and blessed ways, Xavier has played a major role in my life. … Continue reading

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It used to be that kings ruled the earth. Their word was the law. Anyone who disobeyed the king was punished, not too rarely by death. One who earned the king’s favor was given great honors, lands and titles. Today, … Continue reading

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Why light a candle in the dark? Its flame is but a feeble flickering against the power of the dark. Just let the darkness envelope me and Swallow me into nothingness. Why light a candle in the day? Its light … Continue reading

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These are summer blooms from my little garden. From the earliest days of our marriage, Anabelle always had fresh flowers at home. Nothing makes a home more beautiful and feel more homey than fresh flowers. And nothing says ‘Welcome’ more … Continue reading

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“Outside the Church, there is no salvation.” This is a very harsh and hard to accept doctrine. It came from a time when the Church was beset by people leaving its fold. I do not believe that the Church was … Continue reading

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