Blessed with Faith Forever (BFF)

Another day has dawned
Another beautiful morn
I stretch my arms in thanksgiving
What a great gift to be living

I often wonder why
My life in the here and now
I did not ask to be
But I am grateful I am me

I’ve had my share of sorrows
Sometimes fearing tomorrow
But oft with joy I quiver
Then, I want to live forever

Small though I may be
Big truths I fail to see
Yet deep in my heart I know
To greater things I’ll go

My faith is like the breeze
It comes and goes as it please
Blowing all over the place
Gently caresses my face

My life is not by chance
I’m part of a cosmic dance
I was born because of love
I have a Father from above

There is restlessness in me
Until his face I see
I know that I will not die
But live with him for eternity

Jesus answered her, “Woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish.” And her daughter was healed instantly.
Matthew 15:21-28

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