Where Everything Comes Together

Today’s world is very secular and it is a very scientific and rational world we live in. Jesus is sometimes seen or dismissed as a myth and his words and teachings are seen as mere superstitions by many. Like, eternal life? That notion is a pipe dream; for nothing lasts forever. When we die, that is the end. But even science declares that matter is indestructible. It merely get transformed into another state. Heaven up the skies? That is a myth. For our up is down for the people in the southern hemisphere of the globe. But science believes in parallel universes, which they can only postulate about but have no clear understanding – yet. My faith tells me that there is a Presence in the universe that makes things happen, often in manner we cannot understand nor fathom. A scientist named Heisenberg observes all this randomness and a seemingly unintelligible universe and formulated his Uncertainty Principle. People believe his theory but miss out on the Presence behind all this randomness and uncertainty. The believer sees that Presence as a loving person, responsible for me being who I am, different and unique with all the other beings who are just as different and unique as I am. Many today would have problem believing in that loving God but would have no problem accepting the Higgs boson, discovered at greats cost and after observing billions of events.

Many today find it hard to believe and accept Christ and his words. But even during his time on earth, people were already saying that he had the devil in him for saying the things that he said and doing the things that he did. That is why they conspired to kill him. And they succeeded. And he rose from the dead as he said he would. But still there were many who would not believe. To this day.

In his time, however, all of these things will come to pass and will come together at Point Omega, where the lion will graze with the lamb and science will find a home in faith. Mythic? Magical? Mystical? No, this is reality for me.

‘Very truly, I tell you, whoever keeps my word will never see death.’
‘Very truly, I tell you, before Abraham was, I am.’
John 8:51-59

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