And Then There Were Four

In the beginning we just had the yellow-orange hibiscus (gumamela). And then as the pandemic locked us in, we now have four kinds: yellow-orange, flaming red, old rose, and pure white.

And then, there are four mothers in our family: Anabelle, Kathleen, Iulia, and Lani. Here is wishing you love, joys, and blessings on this Mothers’ Day.

And then there are four E’s in Mother.

EMPATHY: Mommies must have left a piece of their heart to their children. For how else will they know that the tears are there even before they fall? How can they know the smiles are there even before they start to show? And how can they soothe all the pain by just the touch of their hands?

ENERGY: Mothers are usually the first to get up in the morning and the last one to sleep at night? Where do they gat all that energy? Just like the Energizer Bunny, they just keep going on and on and on.

ENTHUSIASM: Moms make everything seem fun. Often, we are aware of her presence in our lives during the difficult times. Have you also realized they are also there in the happiest moments on our lives. In fact, they are often the organizer, reason, cause of such joyful memories.

ETERNITY: Mamas are forever. Everything they are and do lasts a lifetime and I bet into eternity as well. Their love is forever. Their caring never ends. They are the closest intimation of God’s love for us in this world for our lives were made possible by them.

Four is a mystical and magical number. It is often identified with stability and creativity. It evokes loyalty, patience, wisdom and trust.


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