Will Our Leaders Surprise Us and Do the Right Thing This Time?

As soon as men started living together in groups and then in communities, I am pretty sure they shared most everything in common. The idea of private property must have come very much later in man’s history. The idea of taxes must have come soon after the spread of the concept of private property. Taxes are a necessary component of the social contract to pay for common services or to finance projects and undertakings too big for just one person to pay for.

In a perfect world, taxes are meant to pay for services and goods that are meant for the commonweal. In a perfect world, taxes are not equal but equitable where to whom much is given, much more is expected in return. In a prefect world, taxes are spent where they create a just and equitable society, where everyone’s needs are meant and no one goes unnecessarily sick or hungry or unemployed or marginalized.

But it is not a perfect world we live in. Some people cheat on their taxes. Others do not pay them at all. Still others steal the tax money through some nefarious means. Nothing is more outrageous than when leaders dip into the common coffers, take the tax money and use it like it was their own. And they do this under the guise of some laws which they themselves legislate to make everything look legal and above board. In the meantime, many of their constituents go hungry, remain sick, stay unemployed and are marginalized. They are killing the goose that lays the golden eggs for them!

I pray for our politicians that they grow bigger than themselves, truly look after the common good this time and do the right and honorable thing. The Pork Barrel scheme have revealed how corrupt our society has become. The rot is already systemic, where even the well meaning among them are co-opted by the system and become part of the rot. It is during times like these I feel prayers to be inadequate. Critical times needs critical actions. The more radical the better. Yet, in the face of the insurmountably of the problem and my own feelings of inadequacy, I can only fall on my knees in prayers. For now.

The collectors of the temple tax came to Peter and said, ‘Does your teacher not pay the temple tax?’ He said, ‘Yes, he does.’ And when he came home, Jesus spoke of it first, asking, ‘What do you think, Simon? From whom do kings of the earth take toll or tribute? From their children or from others?’ When Peter said, ‘From others’, Jesus said to him, ‘Then the children are free. However, so that we do not give offense to them, go to the lake and cast a hook; take the first fish that comes up; and when you open its mouth, you will find a coin; take that and give it to them for you and me.’
Matthew 17:22-27

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2 Responses to Will Our Leaders Surprise Us and Do the Right Thing This Time?

  1. Mar M Galang says:

    One of my most liked posts so far.

  2. Alas, it does not seem like our leaders will do right by us. Looks like they will sweep it all under the Congressional rug.


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