Evolution Is For Real

Evolution is for real. Even now human beings are still evolving. In a recent news item, researchers found a genetic push toward younger age at first reproduction and larger families. In yet another study, there were indications that the human skull has been shrinking over the last 5,000 years. From the vantage point of some million years, it is amazing to see how inanimate organic matter, churned by tidal waves in the some primordial seas, clumped together to become the first living cells. These first single-cell organisms eventually evolved into more complex ones giving rise to all the living things we see around us. Tress, plants, animals, fish, birds, men.

Even more amazing is how these living things replicate and reproduce themselves. All of this is done through cell reproduction. A cell simply makes a copy of itself. Does this cycle of life give us a glimpse of our source? A cell, gathers materials from around its environment, and gives life to another cell just like itself. A man gives his seeds to a woman to start a new life. And the mother carries another life in her womb for nine months and brings forth a child, whom she will nurse from her own body until the child is able to eat on his own. All these seem to be the natural workings of the principles of Biology. But I am always amaze at how a cell knows what materials to gather and which one to reject in the process of mitosis. Blind and unknowing, the cell knows what is good for itself and is able to bring forth new life.

Even more amazing and full of wonder and emotions are the processes of meiosis and human reproduction. Conscious and aware, a man and a woman do not just get together to bring forth a new life. They first establish a bond of affection, which solidifies into a committed relationship, and literally give flesh to that relationship by uniting their bodies and spirits in the act of love. Giving one to each other, they bring forth a new life, which is the source of great joy and happiness for them.

Did man look at this marvelous phenomenon and wondered if this is the same phenomenon is the primordial source of his being? Like creating a god in his own image? Or did the Source of man leave His imprint in all that he has created that man realizes he was made in the image and likeness of his Source and Creator and called him God? God, being the pure energy of love, generates he Son. Father and Son, in the most perfect love relationship, generating the Spirit.

Evolution is for real. It is like a string that leads us back directly to my Source and Creator.

He whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for he gives the Spirit without measure. The Father loves the Son and has placed all things in his hands. Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever disobeys the Son will not see life, but must endure God’s wrath.
John 3:31-36

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